Musing Mondays (June 25)

This week’s Musing Mondays from Should Be Reading asks…

“This week’s musing asks…

Do you set goals for yourself, while reading? For example, “I want to get this book finished this weekend“, or “I will read __ pages today“, etc. Why, or why not?”

I do not set goals for myself on a regular basis but sometimes if I absolutely have to, I do it.

If I have been lugging around a particular book for a long time then I would make myself finish a certain number of pages everyday until I finish it.

If I am getting too lax with a reading challenge I am participating in then I set myself a goal of reading at least one book for it within the next week or so.  Like right now I am ashamed with my progress in the 2012 Sci-Fi Challenge. So, I am making myself read  My Name Is Legion by Roger Zelazny. Good news is I am liking it so far.


  1. Yes, I set goals. I’m a list maker and if I am to get anything done it has to be “planned” out. I have set a goal of 2000 pages per month. that would be a lot for me. I did it in June I should be able to hit it again.

    1. Usually my challenges don’t really ‘challenge’ me. I mostly do challenges that revolve around books I am comfortable with. I read the normal books I read and go on as usual. This year only one challenge the 2012 Sci-Fi Challenge is proving to be a challenge as I am fond of Sci-Fi but don’t get to read it as much.

  2. I have the same problem – during challenges I often get off track or don’t read enough books! I also have a problem that I delay reading books I own because many books from the library are coming due soon…
    I’m glad you’re enjoying My Name Is Legion – the cover & title definitely capture my attention! Thanks for sharing!
    My Musing Monday if you want to check it out c:

    1. You’re welcome! I have been so busy that I have been able to focus only on a few of my easier challenges (i.e. Vintage Mystery Challenge 2012 & Mystery & Suspense Reading Challenge 2012 because I tend to read a whole lot of mysteries). But challenges I had taken to get myself out of my comfort zone like the 2012 Sci-Fi Challenge have been sadly neglected. My original aim is not being fulfilled at all! So it’s time to pull my socks up! 🙂

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